Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

The Magic Funnel

Having given a glass of wine or water to one of the
audience to drink, it is said he has imbibed too much, and
a portion of it is drawn off from his elbow. The funnel,
which comprises all the necessary apparatus required in
this performance, is made double, a space of about
one-third of an inch intervening between the outer and
inner side, and is joined in a slanting position at the top, so
that it has merely the appearance of an ordinary funnel.
By placing your finger over the bottom of the funnel at A,
and filling it, the inner concealed part also becomes full.
There is a small air-vent beneath the handle, and by
covering this with the thumb, which can be easily done,
and has a most natural appearance when the funnel is
held by the handle, all the concealed liquid is kept intact,
although that in the funnel proper runs out directly the
finger is removed from the bottom.
We will presume then that the performer has had the services of one of the juveniles of
the company for some trick and is about to dismiss him, when suddenly, as if struck with
an idea, he calls him to his side, and remarking, ‘You have been very expert and willing in
your endeavours to assist me, and you must allow me to offer you some refreshment
before leaving,’ he then either hands him a glass of liquor, or producing the funnel, holds
it to the youngster’s lips and tells him to drink half. He purposely allows him to take more
than the allotted quantity, and then exclaims, ‘Oh, this is scarcely fair, sir; you have taken
more than the stipulated allowance, and have not left sufficient for me.’
He then, if using the funnel, allows the spare liquor to run into a glass and shows the
funnel as being empty, or if using a glass, goes behind his screen and brings forward the
funnel prepared. A second juvenile is now called up to assist, who is informed that the
first young gentleman having drunk more than his allotted share, must be made to give
back part, and this by means of the power of Magic is about to be accomplished. Assistant
No. 2 is requested to take hold of the right arm of No. 1, and work it up and down like a
pump. The professor then places the funnel to the elbow of the left arm, and holding a
glass beneath the funnel, removes his thumb a little from the hole, when a few drops of
liquor fall. Turning to No. 2, he says, ‘You are not working hard enough, sir; pump away.’
In response to which exhortation the youngster works like a fire-engine, and the hole
being now entirely uncovered, a perfect little stream descends.


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